Estudo destaca Impacto da vigilância no trabalho remoto. A confiança é chave
A study based on a survey of over 800 white-collar teleworkers found that fostering a sense of trust among remote workers is crucial in reducing stress and burnout.
The feeling of being under surveillance negatively affected outcomes such as burnout, work-family conflicts, technostress, job satisfaction, and low social integration. Veja abaixo o arquivo
Gerich, Joachim PhD
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 65(11):p 967-975, November 2023. | DOI: 10.1097/JOM.0000000000002948
This article focuses on the perceived effects of home-based telework during the COVID-19 pandemic with respect to five outcomes (job satisfaction, burnout, work-family conflicts, technostress, and social isolation) and how these are affected by workplace arrangements and telework experience.
Cross-sectional survey data from employees in the IT, finance, and insurance sector collected during the COVID-19 crisis (N = 808) were used for the study.
Outcomes are most negatively affected by feelings of surveillance and most positively affected by suitably equipped offices. Organizational teleworker support is most strongly related to job satisfaction. Experienced teleworkers report better outcomes, because of improved support, less perceived surveillance, and better equipped home stations.
Adaptation of management strategies avoiding surveillance and suitable setups of home offices to reconcile work and private spheres are key to well-being of teleworkers.
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