Na UNIÃO EUROPEIA acabam de ser lançados documentos discutindo cenários atuais da saúde do trabalhador e perspectivas. os documentos tem versões completas, resumidas e arquivos de apresentação dos temas.
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documento 01 (Safe-and-healthy-workplaces-Europe-2023). e documento 02 (Labour_inspectors'_insights_high-risk_occupations_sectors_Europe_EU-OSHA-SLIC_survey_en.pdf)
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Occupational safety and health in Europe: state and trends 2023
The report describes the state of occupational safety and health in the EU, and covers current trends and the developments. It uses data that were compiled in the frame of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work activity ‘EU OSH Information System’ and combines quantitative indicators with explanatory and analytical descriptions.
The report covers trends that reach back between 10 and 25 years — depending on the availability of reliable data and methodological issues. It also takes into account relevant contextual factors and OSH infrastructures. Finally, it concludes with an overview on improvements, stagnating and ambiguous developments, and areas of concern.
Baixe aqui.
Unveiling high-risk sectors: EU-OSHA joins forces with the Senior Labour Inspectors Committee
Rapid transformations of work environments due to digitalisation and introduction of new forms of work, also prompted by COVID-19, give rise to new occupational safety and health (OSH) challenges. At the same time, traditional risks and high-risk sectors such as mining, forestry and construction should not be overlooked.
Tackling the evolving OSH concerns requires a multifaceted approach, as well as data collection at the actual workplaces. OSH labour inspectors and their views on risks, sectors and worker groups could significantly contribute to a better understanding and addressing those concerns. In addition, during the pandemic, they played an important role in prevention and control of COVID-19 contagion in workplaces.
For that reason, EU-OSHA teamed up with the Senior Labour Inspectors Committee (SLIC) to conduct a comprehensive joint survey aimed at identifying high-risk occupations and sectors.
Read the report Labour inspectors' insights into perceived high-risk occupations and sectors in Europe: an EU-OSHA-SLIC survey.
Heat at work – Guidance for workplaces (Temperaturas elevadas - Guia para os locais de trabalho)
Heat stress is a risk for both indoor and outdoor workers across all sectors. Its severity depends on work location but also individual characteristics such as age, health, socioeconomic status and even gender. These must be accounted for in measures aimed at addressing and mitigating the risks of working in heat.
This guide offers workplaces practical ways – organisational and technical – to lessen and manage as well as train on this occupational risk. Information is also provided on what actions should be taken if a worker starts showing signs of suffering from heat-related illness.
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